What Is The Platinum Rule? Platinum Rule Vs. Golden Rule

Christina J Colclough

By Christina Colclough

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The Golden Rule – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – was something that most of us tried to live by growing up. But now there’s a better and more preferred method to be treated as well as treated. Individuals are opting to follow The Platinum practice these days. So, what is the Platinum Rule meaning?

communication in workplace

Let’s explore this rule more in my article and see how you can improve your relationship with someone, both in life and at work, by applying this rule!

What Is The Platinum Rule Definition?

The Platinum Rule, an alternative to The Golden Rule, encourages extra consideration in interactions with others. It basically boils down to knowing how the people in your immediate vicinity like to be treated. By recognizing and honoring each person’s distinct preferences in a variety of settings, the Platinum standard promotes improved communication and teamwork.

To build a better team in a positive work atmosphere, leaders can adopt this rule, which considers individual preferences, requirements, and boundaries. Having said that, the platinum rule encourages fostering closer bonds with coworkers and upholding a polite work environment.

This strategy fosters adaptability, empathy, and a recognition of the range of human preferences. All lead to better interactions in a variety of personal and professional contexts.

How To Apply The Platinum Rule At Work

Even when the platinum rule sounds fantastic and looks great on a motivational poster, it isn’t really worth anything if you can’t really incorporate the platinum rule into your ideal leadership style. This means you might have to practice several things to apply the platinum rule in the workplace. Let’s examine the strategies for putting it into practice in office space.

Express How You Would Like To Be Treated

After years of applying this rule, I’ve learned that being the one to advocate for oneself is one of the first stages in creating a supportive environment where everyone feels free to voice their opinions. Even if team-building activities are being used, create a modern business environment where everyone may feel at ease.

This is particularly valid for those in leadership positions. To discover how each person communicates most effectively, it’s a good idea to get everyone together and share how they want to be treated.

Listen And Allow For Others’ Response

Creating a listening and feedback-friendly environment is the second crucial step in putting the platinum rule into effect. Building strong communication with coworkers is ideal when it involves listening and providing feedback to one another. 

Boundaries in the workplace are crucial since they greatly aid in preventing people from crossing one other’s limits. Setting and upholding limits, therefore, deters disrespectful behavior and fosters a positive work atmosphere.

It’s important to keep in mind that each person at work has a unique personality. Some people may find something rude and disrespectful that someone else joked about. Thus, the platinum rule advises putting shame and guilt aside. Select your response and remain receptive to criticism at all times.

Find Your Suitable Method Of Communication

Working in various collaborative environments, I realized that one of the finest ways to give your team a chance of success is to recognize each employee’s preferred communication and learning style. For instance, although some people find email best, others might prefer face-to-face interactions, text messaging, or phone conversations.

It is natural for a platinum leader to have a preferred communication style. As a team, though, you should be adaptable and talk to your staff according to their needs rather than your own. When members of your team are not forced to communicate in ways that are uncomfortable or out of the ordinary for them, you’ll discover that everything goes far more easily. A successful business, after all, depends on effective communication.

Set Your Boundaries

Establishing and justifying limits is something you may do in the communication phase. Setting boundaries helps to bridge cultural differences and stop inadvertent disrespectful or microaggressive behavior in the workplace.

It’s okay to let someone know when they’ve crossed the line if you’ve made it obvious what your boundaries are. It is important to take the time to explain your limits when they are breached if you haven’t before.

Use Empathy

As an HR professional, in my opinion, empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another person’s shoes to recognize, comprehend, and experience the world from their perspective. Spend some time engaging in casual discussions where you may discuss life outside your office and your experiences at work.

You may learn a lot about someone’s motivations, aspirations, and even optimal working methods just by having a conversation with them. This way, the bond between you and others will be stronger than ever, as they know you understand them.

Ask Questions To Improve

As everyone knows, learning new things is a lifetime process for everyone. All of us may become more perceptive, compassionate, and receptive to developing as we gain knowledge. 

Whether you are dealing with a challenging customer, a loved one, or a coworker, by using The Platinum Rule to your general sensibility, you will unavoidably amass tons of lenses through which to observe, comprehend, navigate, and assist others in navigating through the world.

Thus, increasing your questioning skills is the greatest method for using the rule at work. Inquire deeply and spend time getting to know your coworkers to establish personal connections. In addition to improving your relationship with them, this will provide you with a greater understanding of them and bring about achievable outcomes.

Why Is The Platinum Rule Better Than The Golden Rule?

For many decades, people have been aware of the golden rule. The tenet “treat others as you would like to be treated” was consistently upheld by this regulation. Cultural and religious contexts frequently follow this guideline. But not everybody follows the golden rule.

Its foundation is the idea that all people are created equal. Nonetheless, it has been demonstrated that the platinum rule improves working conditions and is more practical and useful.

platinum vs golden rule

The golden rule has many applications in both personal and professional contexts; however, it may not always work in the contemporary world. 

For instance, some of your more delicate staff members may feel that adapting to the golden rule is a little severe if you are a tough supervisor and value criticism. That said, more outgoing team members might not relate to you if you are a more contemplative and introverted leader.

By following the platinum rule, leaders strive to act in a way that is consistent with how other people want to be treated. When staff members realize the person in charge comprehends their work and communication style, supportive workplace morale and satisfaction will rise.

It is proven that when individuals feel understood, they are happier and healthier. Applying the platinum rule is an inclusive approach to letting your team members know they are heard and noticed. Given that happy employees are 13% more productive than unhappy ones and healthy people are typically more productive, it may also help your firm succeed.

In short, the change is subtle yet significant. The platinum rule pushes us to consider other people’s perspectives and discover how they would want to be treated. It goes beyond the golden rule’s recommendation that we base our decisions on our experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Invented The Platinum Rule?

The Platinum Rule, a concept of interpersonal communication that emphasizes treating people how you would like to be treated, gained popularity in 1996 when Drs. Tony Alessandra and Michael O’Connor published their book “The Platinum Rule.” It’s crucial to remember that the idea expands on the principles of the Golden Rule.

What Is The Double Platinum Rule?

According to the Double Platinum rule, you should treat people how they wouldn’t even know they wanted to be treated. To put it simply, be sure to anticipate everything. Exceed your customer’s expectations rather than merely meeting them.

Is The Golden Rule Outdated?

Generations have used the Golden Rule as a guide, providing a fundamental comprehension of empathy. It’s possible that thinking has improved and changed in the modern era. Although “treating others the way you want to be treated” is an excellent place to start, more has to be done.

The Bottom Line

The effective Platinum rule is your way to improve your relationship with others. Show compassion and respect to everyone in your vicinity, irrespective of their position or standing within the organization. Even though it might not seem like much, giving others a sense of respect and appreciation encourages them to work at their best and has a positive impact on their enjoyment.

This article also compares the two “rules” in more detail. Still, carefully balancing the two is recommended to provide what we would term an unparalleled experience.

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Christina J Colclough

Christina J. Colclough

Dr Christina J. Colclough is an expert on The Future World of Work and the politics of digital technology advocating globally for the importance of the workers’ voice. She has extensive regional and global labour movement experience, is a sought-after keynote speaker, coach, and strategist advising progressive governments and worker organisations.

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